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Do you REALLY want to HEAL? I mean 'ready to do whatever it takes' kinda ready? Are you feeling incongruent with the 'work more with less' culture?' Are you struggling to find a solution to this ongoing problem? 


Have you had enough of the - "just try this . . . .and everything will be better. . .you'll make more money. . .you'll buy more things, you'll get that promotion" Promises of emptiness. Are you willing to give up ALL your stories about who you think you are and why you're like that?


Are you over all of the heavy marketing that you're just not enough? You havent done enough LinkedIn posts, or written enough articles, made enough sales or done enough backflips for those who don't care anyway?  Have you ever stopped to ask what you're pushing towards?


Then get ready for the PARADIGM shift. Learn the GRACE Code. Use  the i E.M.P.O.W.E.R. tools. Get ready to really shift how you approach life. Question everything! I can't promise you world peace, but quantum mechanics will unlock resources that you never knew existed, and your life will never be the same again.


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Healing is not about overcoming your challenges to be happy, but rather to be happy with who you are in any moment. 

I created an emotional heal kit to survive and thrive in life with PTSD, anxiety and depression.

You have everything you need right now to heal. Now find out how to put it together to really heal, not just survive!


Faster ways to heal with permanent effects

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Many of us have been through traumas. It's hard to get through life without them. However some of us have been trying to heal for a long time without enough success to feel 'normal.' I hate to use that word, but what I mean is, getting through a day without being triggered or significantly impacted by traumas that may have long since gone,  and not forgotten. I have developed some step by step systems to heal that have greatly improved my daily life and can be used by anyone. Infact you don't even have to use them for trauma - they can be used to help any life issue. Both the GRACE Code and the i E.M.P.O.W.E.R. Heal Kit systems can help put some structure around your daily life that will ensure greater peace and make you empowered and empowering to others. 

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We all know the usual impacts of trauma on the brain where we get stuck in freeze / fawn / fight / flight, and our rest / digest gets kicked to the curb. But do you know that simple breathing techniques that activate the vagus nerve, can reverse that. Also 3 networks in our brain responsible for deciding what to pay conscious attention to and how you should react, are greatly impacted by trauma, especially if the trauma occurred in childhood. Learn how to remap your Default Mode Network (DMN) so that your instant reaction is not "your life is in danger." Get your Salience Network (the sorter) to stop hyper OR hypo reacting and sending everything straight to the DMN and instead send it to the logical part of the brain, the Executive Control Network (ECN) where you can logically assess whether or not your safe. 




Join the push towards systems thinking and mental models. The old school ways of treating each component in isolation are done. This goes for your health, mental health, work, and personal organisation. Functional Medicine, that looks at the whole being not 'x'ologists that focus on their field of expertise only and view the issue in relation to that alone.  Zettelkasten (Connected themes on cards that link to other themes and ideas) not documents, and collaboration not silos. Humanity is a system too, we are all connected. Every thought and action has energy, it defines what will be in your future. So better to feel the most love and joy you can muster as that will define how your body and life are in the coming months. You can't expect to hold onto negative mindsets and create positivity in your life. Our denial of this is literally killing us. This doesn't just go for our bodies or personal health, it also applies to work, relationships, and mental health. Whatever emotions you feel will be reflected in your body. Your body responds to help you by releasing hormones and taking action ready to fight or whatever you need in relation to your emotion. So what if you 'practice' positive emotions, create a muscle memory for it. Reframe your thinking so that you can feel love and compassion, and raise your body's energy vibration. Just like food, emotions create in your body a whole physiology of changes. . .what do you want those changes to be? 

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**I am not a professional counsellor and in no way should this advice be in place of professional assistance. This is my own concept built from my own healing experiences.
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Do first aiders practice CPR? Why? What about drills? Karate katas, armed forces drills, ER hospital drills? Why? What about athletes? Do they just wake up and decide to run a marathon the next day? No! Why? So that we can train our muscle memory to react in similar situations. Do you realise how patterned we are? If we weren't Jeff Bezos would not be a rich man. Data science wouldn't be a thing and the Meta algorithms wouldn't work. Have you learned drills for mental health?  Do you know what your own standard patterns are (I'm sure Alexa or Google can tell you.) I have developed some practices that work for recreating neural pathways in order to feel differently when a trigger occurs. It allows you to react differently and let's your mind catch up to know you are safe. It's time to stop trying to heal a system issue with an isolated cognitive approach. Don't stick to the one resource. Counselling is great, but there are nutritional impacts, brain impacts, health and emotional impacts  that can't just be talked about. Can you learn to drive by talking about it? No.  So expand your approach to healing. Let's go on a journey together. Be part of the paradigm shift.

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