Such a weird place to find the most mind blowing healing EVER. Has anyone heard of Charlie Goldsmith? He was on a tv show called The Healer that aired on TLC a few years ago. Since then I have followed Charlie and his goals to make radical healing the norm, especially for those mystery illnesses like fibromyalgia and auto-immune issues. Charlie literally takes just minutes to wipe away decades of aches and pains greatly affecting people's lives.
"Yeah sure he does Roe! Someone's been drinking the Hollywood Coolaid" I hear you say in your mind. Our instinct is to poo poo what we don't understand and if it's on tv it can't be real. But here's the thing. I experienced his healing myself. And there's nothing I can say to 'convince' you that he's legit. But just think for a moment before you judge. What if he is legit? What if what I'm saying is true? Can you open your heart and mind enough to at least check it out? If you're answer is no - then you're closing yourself off to a huge amount of research and healing, not just from me or Charlie, but many, many others who are part of this new paradigm. We are so quick to judge. If we just stay open a little longer to investigate for ourselves, you could experience the most amazing healing you've ever had, just as I did this past weekend. Yes it was in Hollywood, but only due to convenience.
So let's assume it's true, how does it work? If you ask Charlie, who's very down to earth by the way, he says honestly, he doesn't know. He just noticed he was like that at 18 and could heal more than the average bear. In my understanding from my personal research I believe he's tapping into the quantum field that connects all living things. He says how he's able to get into the 'zone' which I assume is vibrating at a specific frequency by being absolutely present, and he's able to visualise the person's painful body part, and he sends healing there and then sends it around the body in a loop until it feels better. For him this happens in a matter of minutes. When I had my healing, it was infront of an audience and I was seated on the stage because I cant stand up for long periods. Charlie did his thing and he said "just stand up and walk up and back." As soon as I stood up I realised that I had been healed greatly. Usually I have to get up awkwardly. This time I asked my legs to push me out if the chair, my knees didn't hurt, my legs did what they were asked and I stood with ease. He continued and I was able to practically run up and down the stairs I usually avoid like the plague because of pain. I was able to lift my arms above my head for the first time in many years and I could move my neck from side to side without feeling like the Tin Man.
It's now days later and the healed parts have remained healed. He's going to do a follow up this weekend on a couple of sticking points but essentially, he just changed my life and it took all of about 6 minutes. I'm not here to convince you of anything. What I'm saying is that IF we WANT to heal, we have to open up our belief systems to allow for the amazing to happen. It happened. There's all kinds of research to prove that it has happened to many before me. If we're all so desperate to heal, why are we so quick to judge when it's right infront of us? Be brave! To really heal there will be many things that block your path, don't let your own mind be one of them! Things are changing, many people are out there right now proving that healing is possible. Be open to it is the starting point. I know there are scammers out there. Charlie Goldsmith is not one of them. You are being more manipulated right now by your detergent add than any healer.
God bless you Charlie - keep going! I'm here to support everything you do and want to do.
P.S I do have a video of the experience. I haven't decided yet if I want to make it public but it exists.