Growing up Catholic often made me ponder the concepts of Christianity, God, Sins, and how I could use the concepts to be a better person. Even as a six year old I remember being committed to my goal of trying not to sin for a WHOLE day. Now I'm older and more disillusioned, and my faith in religion of any kind has waned to a dribble. Having said that, I feel that I'm closer to 'God' than I ever was. Infact, I feel like I have just given my life over to God just like the Nun's back in Catholic school. I remember thinking while watching the Australian mini series 'Brides of Christ,' way back, how can they do that by going to a convent and 'marrying' God? What would be the catalyst for someone so young to let go of their life and follow such strict rules? Are they crazy? And now of course as I see the goings on of organisations like Scientology, and Jehovah's Witnesses, I REALLY question people's sanity of giving themselves over to something.
What I realised though, is the undercurrent for all of these things, is people's want and need to feel part of a group, or network, where they can learn about things that make theirs and the lives of others better, while being supported by others who have similar interests (despite how misguided they may be.) Isn't that what we all want? Connectedness, to be supported by others with similar goals and interests, to make your life and the lives of those around you better? It's certainly what I would LOVE to do. The more I have suffered through mental, emotional and physical health challenges, the more drive I have towards making life better for everyone.
So no, I didn't run off to the nunnery. However, I am dedicating my life from this point forward to understanding and facilitating HEALING, both physical and emotional. I've been working on my own healing from trauma and auto-immune diseases for quite some time. I'm getting closer and closer to be able to affect change for others, and myself. I research every day, by reading, watching youtube, taking courses, and following a trace back from a physical manifestation of pain to an emotional cause way back in my earlier life. The best news is that if I can understand and affect my own healing - then others can benefit too.
You'll soon be hearing from me about an incredible family who have allowed me to test out my healing energies. I have had the privilege of sending energy healing through various methods to a young man who was extremely close to death and in a coma when I first met him. It's now a couple of months down the track and I work on him every few days. He's now talking, breathing on his own, moving around as much as possible, and almost ready to take real food, not through a tube. He's talking to his Mom, but there are deficits. He has made incredible strides in his recovery and I'm seeing if I can affect significant change in those. Coming from not expecting to awaken from the coma, to now is wonderful. I will introduce you at a later date.
Lastly, I don't need to be believed. That's not as important to me as getting to the bottom of real healing. It's my quest, my Everest. I have a lot to offer and will be travelling in North America initially to learn from others, to aid others where I can. It will be an incredible journey, and if I've tweaked your interest, join me and follow along.
