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In May 2024 I went to see a live event where healer Charlie Goldsmith (TLC Channel's "The Healer") was delivering a LIVE healing event. After suffering with chronic pain for 30-40 years from auto-immune and other issues such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and more I jumped at the chance to see this guy. You can look him up on social media etc, or watch The Healer on Amazon Prime. You will notice a lot of debate about whether or not he's legit. I think that this is the wrong question. I think the actual question SHOULD be "how can we duplicate what Charlie can do so that EVERYONE has access to his incredible abilities. I'm not here to debate its legitimacy. You can work that out for yourself. I will tell you MY experience.

I had been suffering greatly from chronic pain and fatigue for over 30 years. Over the years I'd had many hospital visits due to extreme pain, many different doctors and tests and really nothing helped. That was ok for the first couple of decades when I'd get to the point I couldn't walk, go see a doc - they'd give me some anti-inflammatories or steroids and send me to the nearest physio. I also saw many different chiropractors that would provide some short term relief, but further down the track, the pain and incapacity was more frequent. Twice a year became 5 or 6 times, which became monthly, which became permanent. My Ankylosing Spondylitis slowly chipped away at my mobility in all joints but mainly my lower back.


  • I couldn't clench a fist in either hand

  • I had low grip strength

  • I could only move my neck a small turn to one side and still a limited way to the other

  • My left shoulder wouldn't raise above should level when it was outstretched.

  • My lower back could not be extended to keep me fully upright, I was always slightly bent forward.

  • I couldn't stand for more than a few minutes before my back was too painfall to remain standing.

  • I couldn't squat without great difficulty

  • I couldnt walk up and down stairs without significant pain in my knees and ankles. And I couldn't put full weight on my right knee to go up a step.

  • My right foot at the ball was very painfall as soon as I put weight on it.

  • My right ankle could not flip up and down fully and was painful if I tried.

  • I had chronic fatigue where every single day I felt like I had the flu and had to lie down


Charlie asked me to stand after about a minute of him concentrating on my pain, and I had already healed enough:

  • to stand without struggling,

  • I stood fully upright no problem,

  • my knees and ankles were able to bare weight

  • my right foot still hurt.

Then Charlie did some more healing and literally 6 minutes after he started I was able to:

  • walk without assistance and bare weight on all my joints

  • lift my left shoulder no problem

  • move my neck with full range of motion and no pain

  • walk up and down stairs with only slight pain in my right knee and foot

  • stand for longer periods of time without pain

  • squat with only slight pain in my right knee


  • The right ball of my foot, my left shoulder and right knee still niggled with pain however Charlie did a follow up and they're 98% fixed.

  • Everything else remained completely healed or noticeably healed.

  • Its now July and the effects are not only still better but they're getting better and better.

  • I did my bloodwork in July to see if the healing had impacted the inflammation markers in my body. Every marker was either significantly better or back to normal range.


You have no idea how much that changes your life to:

  • not be in significant pain every day

  • stand fully upright and for more than a few minutes

  • walk up & down stairs

  • be able to use your hands to open jars, or doors, or hold on to the pole in the bus.

  • to have enough energy to do daily chores like the washing and groceries.

  • go for a longer hike than 30 minutes

  • get back to things I love like rock climbing

Obviously this changed my whole life. And the good and the bad of it is that it took Charlie 6 minutes to change 40 years of pain. WHY? And HOW can we make this available to everyone? Well that's what I'm now dedicating my life to. I packed up and shipped out to an RV with my dog and now I'm practising my own healing abilities. I'm travelling in an RV across North America to research healing and write a book about my findings.

When something like this comes along, yes have a healthy skepticism, but also have a healthy openness to the possibility that this type of healing is POSSIBLE and we should be asking - how can we duplicate this, not how can we prove it wrong. The choice is yours. Get on board or stay where you are. I know which way I'm going.

I do have an un-edited video of my healing. I will possibly publish it on my YouTube Channel in the near future.

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© Copyright 2024 All rights reserved Roe Gabriel

- Roe Gabriel - i E.M.P.O.W.E.R.| Healing | Author | Speaker

**I am not a professional counsellor and in no way should this advice be in place of professional assistance. This is my own concept built from my own healing experiences.

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