I have an ability to help others find the right path to heal faster and simpler, without re-traumatising, and without years of discussion. I'm not a trained counsellor, and in no way am suggesting you replace professionals. This is complementary to any healing work you're already doing. My writing shares the power of simple life systems that decode trauma that helped me find a path to a better life so that I could grow into the person I am, instead of being a ball of reactivity to the experiences I've had. And I've had some whoppers.
For those resilient people who are still struggling after trauma, still trying to stop getting triggered from the day to day - I have unlocked a code. This code can unlock your patterned reactions and build new neural pathways forever, and can transform your anger into GRACE and 'stuckness' into empowered growth. This is not a 'healing diet,' but rather a practice of systems that you can introduce to your lifestyle for as long as you want, and solve whatever you choose. All it requires from you is your commitment to your goal, and if you're reading this, my thought is that you've already been committed for a long time without enough gain to live a normal life. I never thought I'd find it, but I did:
Read the concepts of the healing systems
Follow the blog to see the practice how healing works in every day life
Take a course to learn the systems that provide the muscle memory of healing
Book a consultation to help you understand and heal from specific issues
Engage me in a talk for your organisation or group to get a new perspective on healing from trauma and reframing your life.
Don't just 'survive,' - THRIVE.
Why don't you join me? I've found out some astonishing things.
All people who have been traumatised with lasting effects (eg PTSD) deserve to heal and find some inner peace
We need a paradigm shift. I've spent over 30 years in counselling on and off, and yet still I have major interferences with a 'normal' life. Recently I have found some key elements that lead to a paradigm shift in how we relate to healing from trauma.
Most wonderful life changer I've ever met. Roe is very supportive and insightful. So simple to follow the routines and systems with amazing outcomes.
A very talented woman who lights up a room. An excellent writer. I coudn't put her first book down.
Roe's techniques helped me deal with panic attacks. Her methods were very good at snapping me out of the endless negative mind loop.