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Roe's Fave of the week

The Big Think - Your Brain Doesn't Detect Reality, It Creates It

i E.M.P.O.W.E.R.

What makes up the heal kit?

Spiral Architecture


Expand your thinking. Acknowledge that anything that happens is there to support you, then you can feel totally differently about those things that occur.  TIEWIN! This Is Exactly What I Need. Chose to believe that whatever happens is exactly what you need and then seek out to prove that theory. There are always ways to support it. Just as if you chose to believe you're a victim.

When you want to heal, ask yourself “Do I want to go with the choice that supports my goal of healing? Or do I support that which continues to victimise me?”  That is true expansion.

Beach Meditation


Mindfulness allows you to listen to your heart and soul and they will guide you through anything in life; don’t listen and you will suffer, repeatedly. If you want healing then you have to delve into the nadir of your greatest vulnerabilities. Meditate, go for a walk in nature, breathe, swim, rest, go on a retreat, whichever way you choose to be mindful, do it. The how doesn’t matter, the what does. 

Fit Woman


True power comes from taking right action by going with that more painful, but healthier option that you know supports your healing, and facing the consequences perhaps letting go of something you once loved. 

people connected


Many people have been in my corner helping me heal from trauma. It was others with genuine intention who supported me in a moment of healing and they asked for nothing in return. I have helped others with a pure intention even at times when I didn't feel up to giving back. 

book open


Trauma will happen, the important question isn’t "Why?" it’s "What are you going to do about it?" It's not easy to move through the pain of whatever trauma occurs, but to live and heal is exactly what is needed.  It's up to you to accept the challenge or not. It could be your greatest wisdom.

seedlings growing


At birth we are like sponges; we absorb everything around us good and bad, and the way we interpret the world in these early years will determine how we view the world later. We then spend the rest of our lives trying to ‘prove’ our initial theories of how we should interact with the world, unless we consciously interrupt the patterns. True evolution is the interruption of those theories. 


This is your toolbox. It's what you choose to put in it that aids your healing. Some people may favour yoga, rock climbing, a bath hair and nails, building a treehouse, reading; whatever your choices of resources, the golden rule is that it must be good for you and those around you. Really good for you, not just an instant gratification good, but a true good. Build your own heal kit with what you need. Here's some suggestions.

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Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach

Limitless - Jim Kwik

Start with WHY - Simon Sinek

How to Change your Mind - Michael Pollan

The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van de Kolk

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Mind Magic: The neuroscience of manifestation and how it changes everything. Dr James R Doty



Learning how to Learn- Barbara Oakley - Talks at Google

The Secret Habits that control your life - The Well / Big Think

Vicky Zhao BEEAMP - Mental Models and Frameworks

10 Mental Models for Learning - Scott Young

How to Reprogram your mind to break any addiction in 9 days - Dr Rangan Chatterjee interviews Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Diary of a CEO - Steven Bartlett

Mindvalley - Vishen



Andrew Huberman - Neuroscience Podcast

The Neuroscience of Lies, Honesty & Self-Control - Robert Sapolsky - Big Think.

Michael Pollan - The Default Mode Network

Why we Get Mad and Why it's healthy - Ryan Martin - TED YouTube

The Upside of Anger Ryan Martin - TedX Talks YouTube

Dan Harris - Hack your Brain's Default Mode Network - Big Think YouTube

Neuroscientist: I'll tell you what I do! Do this Every Morning to Maximize Manifestation. Lewis Howes interview with neurosurgeon and author Dr. James R Doty 



Therapy in a Nutshel (YouTube)

Complex Trauma 60 Characteristics Series (60 Videos) Tim Fletcher YouTube

Miyam Bialik's Breakdown with Gabor Mate Podcast & YouTube.

Gabor Mate -Implicit Memory (YouTube)

HappiAI - A compassionate counselling type avatar

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