EMPOWER yourself by deciding to do SOMETHING differently today. Make a CHOICE to take right action that may be more difficult but you know is healing for both you and those around you. It can be a small thing. . .just try it. For example: It's raining, you're tired, you're feeling down. The last thing you feel like is going for a hike but you know it will make you feel better. Just go! 20 minutes is all you need and you KNOW it will help you heal. Or maybe it's something bigger. Maybe you are always grumpy about work and you know that you would be better off in a different type of job but's harder because you will have to start at a lower level, you have to leave your friends behind but you know you are unhappy. Update your resume, put it out there - see what comes back. Empower yourself!
E - Expansion. TIEWIN - (This is exactly what I need) treat an event like it is exactly what you need in your life. Then figure out why it is. You can't heal without expanding your views. Whatever has happened can't be undone, so you may as well build something good from it.
M - Mindfulness. Check in with how you are, listen with all your senses to how you are feeling, THEN make your next decision. You can't hear your inner voice if you're too busy talking. You can't fulfil your potential without stopping to see where you are.
P - Power. Stand your authentic power. Recognise your achievements. Deposit in your worth bank - it can never be withdrawn. Every day you do something well. Start acknowledging it at least as much as you recognise the negative.
O - Others. View yourself through the lens of how others view you. More often its better than how we view ourselves. Be open to it. Do something for others, part of who we are is to connect with others, do something that is unique to you. How can your skills help others? This in turn reinforces your worth.
W - Wisdom. What have you gained from a negative experience? We are acutely aware of what we've lost but that is an unbalanced view. You can't change what happened - so how can you reframe it?
E - Evolution. Don't look to prove your old theories with confirmation bias. Get out of your old thinking patterns. Recognise the patterns. Approach something from a new way, practice new neural pathways. You have evolved. Stand and look at your options then choose something from there. Then you are presented with a new set of options. We're always evolving.
R - Resources. What speaks to you? What books? What tv shows? Gather and collect your treasures of those things that enrich your life and have a positive impact. Use them when you are struggling.
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