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Manifestation: I want $1M vs I need $1M to start my healing retreat centre for auto-immune issues

Updated: May 14, 2024

I'm finally putting my money where my mouth is. I have just resigned from my fulltime job in Information Systems because I REALLY need to be working on healing right now and trying to run both jobs was too much and not enough attention was being spent on my intention. So now, here I am, with the intention to work on investigating healing fulltime, writing my book, creating my courses, and going fulltime entrepreneur. I can spend time getting my YouTube channel started that I've been threatening to do for ages, I can create a following on social media for the greater purpose of understanding how we can heal ourselves, and many more. All I have to do, is align my mind, body and spirit!!

Aligning the mind, body and spirit to manifest what we want in life. I know! We hear this a lot. What does it actually mean though, what are we aligning and how? Neurosurgeon and author Dr James R Doty says when your intention is something you really want, that touches you, and serves not only you but others around you, and holds a deeper purpose for you, it activates opportunities to manifest.

When you embed an intention by making your mind still e.g meditation, or hypnosis and thinking and feeling everything about your intention, it activates the Salience Network. This neuronal network subconsciously listens to everything going on and like hearing your name across a party, it will pay attention to synchronistic opportunities. Once your attention network, the RAS Reticulated Activating System gets involved it identifies anywhere that the intention has an opportunity to manifest. e.g buying a particular car then you see that car everywhere. Then the attention network passes the prospect to the Executive Control Network who jumps on the opportunity by making it conscious and gives you the lead to do something with it. It basically value tags the intention in your subconscious to look for it, yes even when you're asleep. The alignment comes in when you determine what your intention is, and your neuronal networks manifest it, and then you act on it.

Yes, that sounds good, but so far that's still all theory. Now before you start, the thing to understand is that the intention is borne out of how you feel. Dr Joe Dispenza says in Stephen Bartlett's Diary of a CEO podcast that "when you understand that its the environment that signals the gene (that's epigenetics) and the end product of an environment is an experience (and that's an emotion,) you could actually signal gene's ahead of the environment by changing your emotional state." So to create an intention its not just to think, "I want a Million Dollars." That's just your MIND. A real intention is "I want a million dollars to set up a healing centre for people with auto-immune issues like me where they can practice the skills that will allow true healing." It has to include the SPIRIT, feeling what that would be like. You're building a muscle memory to an emotion so that your BODY will respond accordingly. Imagine what that looks like, how would you be feeling if an investor was looking for something to invest in for healing purposes maybe because his wife is suffering with auto-immune. Your body reacts to feelings. The amygdala in the brain doesn't speak english, it's waiting for you to feel something so that it can release the appropriate hormones, endorphines etc according to what you're feeling. If you were terrified, its going to release the stress hormone cortisal and many others, it will put your system on high alert, your Executive Control Network will shut down and your Default Mode Network will jump in at the ready to react to the danger. Your Default Mode Network is wired for survival. It's wired for fight / flight /fawn / freeze. Nothing can manifest in that environment but diseases like auto-immune.

So during a meditation, when there's no 'noise` in your mind body or spirit, drop your intention; feel the emotions of what it would be like so that your body can react to that emotion and all your Body, Mind & Spirit align and create opportunities for that intention to become a reality. Remember this is the simplified version, the full explanation of this will be in my new book.

I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I have just resigned from my fulltime job in Information Systems because I REALLY need to be working on healing right now and trying to run both jobs was too much and not enough attention was being spent on my intention. So now, here I am, with the intention to work on investigating healing fulltime, writing my book, creating my courses, and going fulltime entrepreneur. I can spend time getting my YouTube channel started that I've been threatening to do for ages, I can create a following on social media for the greater purpose of understanding how we can heal ourselves, and many more. All I have to do, is align my mind, body and spirit!! Ok I added a couple of back up options by way of task related jobs to pay my bills, but still, I'm taking a huge risk. Want to see how it pans out? WATCH THIS SPACE!

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